Tuesday, February 21, 2012

More Paris pictures...

Alex showing his coat trick to the awesome waiter at our favorite cafe next to our favorite hotel

The kids adored him!

Food was incredible too!  Chicken with gratineed potatoes. Delicious but way too much.
We went to Notre Dame on Sunday and there was a service going on.  The church is gorgeous and the music and sermon were beautiful making it all an amazing spiritual experience.  When we first walked in the congregation was saying the Lord's Prayer in French. It's funny how the prayer has the same melody in different languages.  Alex even sang along with the choir, too cute!
Notre Dame

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Weekend in Paris...

The kids and I took the train into Paris to meet Steve this weekend.  The weather was perfect and we had a fantastic time, no pepper spray this time!  We did come across a demonstration and police brigade while we were trapped on the upper deck of a tour bus with no quick escape but all was peaceful (my heart still skipped a beat when I saw and heard the commotion). Here are a few pictures from our trip and I will post more soon...
The famous Moulin Rouge.  Spectacular, spectacular! Anyone else see the movie? :)


View of Paris from Montmartre

There she is...from Montmartre

An artist's square in the shadow of Montmartre

Most of the artists were painting right there in the square, amazing to watch!


Fortunately there was a carrousel in front of Montmarte, the only thing Bronwen wanted to do was ride on one:)

I love the streets in Paris!  Such a photogenic city.

me, not so photogenic and apparently Alex is photophobic.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Slumber party

A late night trip to an afterhours doctor for Bronwen (bad cough) and the company of good friends (Sofie drove us in the snow while Diana stayed back with the other 3 kids) led to an impromptu sleep over.  In spite of B's cough we managed to have a lot of fun! 

hot cocoa tea party in the morning with my flea market purchase

Dress up & Dancing

Feeling the music

The boys in Grande plié

Lov'n his wings

Frozen canal


Friday, February 3, 2012

Back in Belgium...

We made it back safe and sound.  The kids were great on the flight and are back in school and on a regular sleep cycle.  Fortunately, we made it back in time for the Gent light festival too.  This year was so much more crowded than last, but spectacular none the less.

Light show projected on the post building

Another light show

These were scenarios projected on this building. They looked so real!

The castle

Sofie & Lisa

This was made of a bazillion led lights but what you can't see are the chandeliers hanging inside.  I have "a thing" for chandeliers:)

Steve and Diana

Joris & Steve
It has been in the low teens but today it finally snowed! Yippeeee!

our canal